The home of Fox Terriers in Scotland since 1886.
The Fox Terrier Club of Scotland is committed to the continual development of Wire and Smooth Haired Fox Terriers within the Nation.
As a club, we aim to provide the best help and support for the constructive progression of the breed.
We are a friendly, welcoming club with a strong morality for unity and kinship amongst our members.
Please feel free to become a member of this friendly, supportive club.
As a club, we aim to provide the best help and support for the constructive progression of the breed.
We are a friendly, welcoming club with a strong morality for unity and kinship amongst our members.
Please feel free to become a member of this friendly, supportive club.
As a club, we provide membership for both Wire and Smooth Haired Fox Terriers, encompassing both breeds equally and simultaneously.
Wire Haired Fox Terrrier
The Wire Haired breed are known for being on the edge of expectation at the smallest incitement. They are exceptionally intelligent and independent whilst being incredibly loyal and devoted at the same time. Their proud and lovable nature makes them ideal companions and exhibitionists.
Smooth Haired Fox Terrier
The Smooth Haired breed are exceptionally intelligent and high-spirited. They are bold, and irrepressably affectionate at the same time. This breed are exceptionally active and fun loving, providing hours of activity for their owners.
For more information, news and updates from the club, please follow us on Facebook.